Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance or a stranger. Franklin P. Jones

I have a confession.  I suffer from a horrible mind critic.   The Critic has berated, insulted and even made my stomach flippity flop.  Critic seems to come out when I dare to try something new which just might move me in a new direction  Damn you, Critic!

Critic was implanted by many a well-meaning adult to keep a child safe. But in the mind of a child, the Critic gained power and was interpreted by the said child as the gospel truth.

I really don’t like to be embarrassed (who does?) but that one emotion fueled my mind Critic for years.   Perhaps the 5-year old’s humiliation of not coloring in the lines, picking colours that were unpleasing to the eye of a teacher or the ridicule by some classmates of the pale freckled skin, or the red hair or, here’s the big one, adopted and never having my cousins let me forget the circumstances of my birth.  Reminded over and over I was not really one of them.  A deep root that has strengthened Critic to Herculean portions.   I DON’T BELONG….

But, I do belong Critic!

I have let Critic stop me cold in my tracks on too many occasions, but a decision has been made.  You are on notice Critic.   “My name is Alice.   You killed my creativity.   Prepare to die! “ a favorite line from  Princess Bride.

I am in love with the idea of this blog Ms. Carol and I have concocted.  Two well-seasoned women expressing thoughts & opinions in hope to entertain, inform and share our common humanity as we progress in finding a place, now without partners, all while forging a new path, sharing insights with whoever stumbles upon this blog.    We write as creative expression, a vent, and an adventure to expand us.  Sounds like a blast – now Critic, shut up!

The plan is for each to be responsible to post on alternate weeks.  Friday posts and photo safaris to keep our content of interest.  Can I get Critic to shut the bleep up when it’s my turn?   No. Critic has enacted the full force of harping at me, “You, my dear have nothing of interest to say!”

“How dare you!  HOW DARE YOU! “ spews Critic. 

How dare?  Well, I am daring, Critic, and as I like to say, “Screw you and the horse you rode in on!”  I going to write for this blog.  I may be humiliated or I may be elated or whatever the hell happens I am going to D.A.R.E. for the life I want!

D.A.R.E is my new motto.

It stands for:

  • DECIDE what I will be daring enough to accomplish.   I am writing for this blog consistently.
  • ACT now.  I am publishing this writing.
  • RESULTS  I am getting results from my actions, like this piece of writing.
  • EVALUATE  How did it go?  Congrats, you DARED.  Now start all over again!